Wednesday, December 30, 2009

the seedy seeds and life and death

short little story here. two weeks after lindsey had her accident, me and my very best friend went out to see this local and great band called the seedy seeds. they write unique and beautiful pop/indie/dance/folk music.

i am at this bar and waiting for them to go on, drinking quite a bit. i think my friend did something to piss me off so i was zoning out thinking about the horror, the guilt and sadness, guilt because i was here without her, and horror at the whole situation as a whole.

anyway, here i am at this bar, lindsey still in a coma, me drinking because i dont know what else the fuck to do, dread seeping out through my pores. nothing good and nothing hopeful at all.

the seedy seeds are three people. a very cute female lead singer/guitarist/accordian, a crazy mustached banjo player, and a badass drummer who lays it down. the beats are half him and half programmed video games beats.

they come on and start playing and a small wave of comfort splashes over me.

about half way through, they pull out kazoos and dance and kazoo this beautiful melody, and for a short amount of time, maybe 30 seconds or a minute, i understand pure joy. i see it. i see what real and unfiltered happiness and optimism sounds like and looks like. in the midst of the absolute bottom of where i have ever been, i see what real beauty looks like. by some folk disco band. playing fucking kazoos.

i dont understand it. but it happened.

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