Tuesday, January 5, 2010

one follower

i see at the side of my blog page there is this mysterious follower who i do not know. i tried clicking on the name and shit but i can't get a solid lead out of it. who are you, nameless and anonymous fan of mine? where do you come from? how did you get to this place, the bottom of the internet well? do you know me? if you do, do you dislike me a little bit? just a bit? like, you may say hi to me in public and give me a nice hello and a handshake, maybe even a hug, but when i leave to aisle you say to your loved one:

"that guy is a fucking prick, he has always been a self serving egotistical monster who thinks he is better then everyone else just because, well, i am not sure why, i am going to college for _____ and all he has done in the past four years is drink and drink and drink and drink and then drink some more. fuck him. actually honey, you should go over to the cheap wine section(where i am sure he is at) and beat the fuck right out of him. thats right, beat that curley hair faggot's ass or this dick/pussy is going under lock and key until Saturday, and its fucking MONDAY. just think about that. i tell you what, one time, he told my ____ that ___ was a stupid ___ in front of my ____ and then later on, ended up fucking my ____ and then __ right inside of my ___ and my dog couldnt ___ for a week."

or you just stumbled upon my site and dug my stuff. either way, i want to know who you are. either way, let me know, you masked fan of doom.

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