Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Lindsey Haynes, what i could find

this is all of what i could find that lindsey haynes wrote on the internet. there is another blogspot page floating around, and she wrote some damn good shit on there, but i can not find it. i think her wit shines through everything she wrote, and i will keep posting more things she wrote as i find them. anyway...

UPDATE!!!! i found her other page, and it is the best of them all. sorry about how long this post is, but i want a place where all of her stuff is here and i can share it and have it:

MONDAY, JULY 27, 2009

every time i get to this screen, it never feels right. its not my place. something cant come out. i feel too responsible for my words and i dont want to say anything i shouldnt.
i feel like that every time i try to write. i feel like im not fully myself and that bothers me very deeply. i think, i know, i have something to say. i have lots and lots of things to say. things that people would probably like to hear or read. i know im not wasting my time with my thoughts but for some reason, whenever i get here, i always feel like i am. i also know that everyone feels this way. that doesnt make me feel any better. im smarter than them. theres no excuse.
i had a dream the other night about little mexican children. each with a sunflower. running around in the desert sun through dusty streets in a small town of mud homes. i came to the edge of the town where the sunflowers grew in a garden in front of one of the houses. it was one of the most beautiful things i can remember seeing in any of my dreams and i realized...i cant remember the last good dream that ive had...not for years...actually, not ever. i wanted to at least write that out so i could come back and remember it in case, sometime years from now, when i havent had a good dream in a while, i can remember it.
now that ive said that i wonder if it sounds silly or mellow dramatic. it doesnt. or...i dont care if it does. if this is what reading mr. mccarthy is going to give me when i fall asleep, i will read every dark, dirty, dispicable novel he has to offer. i may just do that anyway because i enjoy reading them that much. i was nervous that i would not like him. i mean, i really wanted to because the idea of that guy is fantastic to me. living alone somewhere, maybe with a dog for company. with nothing but his whiskey and his words. i was worried his asthetic would be too much. that his language wouldnt hit home. that maybe, as a female, i wouldnt exactly relate to everything he had to share. because some empathy gene would prevent me from enjoying the storyline and i would have to sacrifice pieces of myself that i generally refuse to give up to any medium because i have worked so hard to carve them out of my psyche in the first place. i was very surprised, and still am so, that i can hang on his every word. i dare say that i share some similar opinions with this man.
sip of wine. bitter. woody. better the more you drink it really.
i dont know why i choose dark wine. to be honest. i lied the first time someone asked me whether i prefer white or red wine. i always just thought of myself as a red wine person. which, is not necessarily true and the more i meet wine drinkers (who arent really wine drinkers. they may like a few that theyve tasted so they dub themselves as such for life ) they arent really one or the other either. they like something that isnt going to force them into an embarrassing bitter face when they drink it in front of their friends. doesnt matter if its red or white. im beginning to like the ones that i dont like right away. and i think thats what it means to truly be a wine drinker. real wine makes you work for it. and when you get to the point where you're comfortable drinking something this woody and tangy and tart, it's an interesting statement on 'accuired taste' and patience. or possibly just a statement on the persistence of pride on someone who wont give up one lie they started telling and now when presented with the choice of white zen or merlot, will opt for the merlot without fail.
i want the job of those guys on toplessrobot, slashfilm or videogum. no, i could never compete with gabe. maybe..
but im pretty fuckin positive, every other nameless, pretentious joe out there with a blog is just dying for some big name brand to come along and rescue him from his mundane, cushy office job he spends his lunch breaks writing his great pieces of art on as well.
what's monetize?
gonna have to check that out when im done. sounds fun.
i was going to write about sexism. female exploitation. so played out. such an upward fucking battle because of its stretch into our lives. even mine. thats why i cant exactly write about it i guess. i mean. im not megan fox. and when i say that.... i mean im not a dumb tramp. not that im not as attractive as she is. i cant compare. she makes a living off of those tits and that ass and that sexy pout and those sex kitten moves. who wouldnt want to do her? my point is, ive been a hoe. ive been an idiot girl with nothing to offer but sex. thats the truth. i was there at one point in my life because i thought that was what i was supposed to be and all that i could be to any man. thats what men want. and she is still there in that mindset. she and millions of women in this stupid fucking retarded redneck cocksucking country are still fucking there. i can spend all my time wishing there was some way to convince these women that it does not have to be such an indulgent society. that all of us would truly truly be better off, men and women alike, if there was more expectation for attractive women to be intelligent.
look, kill the ugly women. seriously. fuck ugly men as well. get rid of them. whatever. no one wants them around cramping their fucking style. but please god put some fucking substance back in the the strong genes that are procreating all over the place. put some smarts into these people. guys and girls alike. girls mostly though because lets face it, women these days, in the media mostly (which causes the snowball effect into the rest of our homes and kids heads) are SHITFUCKINGRETARDED. it is soooooo embarrassing for me as a woman to see chicks like the one from miss america on tv. honestly.
so there i wrote about sexism and female empowerment. im gonna stop there because im irritating myself with this shit. i know that most women would agree with me...but none of them can resist the feeling of being a sexual magnet. and therein lies the problem.
saul on my lap rubbing my chin. purring in my ear. poor guy just wants some love.
its 11 now. i should be going to bed. for the dogs and for myself. but i still have a glass of wine to drink and i dont want to stop now. if i do. it might be a while before i do this again.
shakey is wrapped up so tight on the couch i cant tell where his head is.
oh my god. the first few notes of the family guy theme just came on and i felt such an overwhelming sensation of comfort and satisfaction i can never describe it.
brian: "i dont know what a holla back girl is, all i know is i want her dead"
oh yes that feels good.

ok i feel better about ending this now. im going to enjoy this wonderful show and crash happy.
TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2009

i hate labels
I was listening to Neutral Milk Hotel's Oh Comely today. I felt inspired. This is what happened.

tip toe through solace and count
all our blessings as beautiful ladies
give life to our blasphemy
take time in context
remember your purpose
you'll never escape the gray
forever fading it's
times like these
where were we heading?
when did we leave?

my hopes are not feeble the
sunset will hold me close
rocking my soul to sleep
sing your sweet melody
take all you want from me
i am not worthy i
lack the sincerity
and everything in between
i'll build you a temple
i'm strong if i'm able

your eyes are impressive they
almost say something
you're lucky i'll look away
safe for another day
i am a child i'm
bright with my reason the
right of my passage is
laced with indifference

SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2009

bill says it best
Bill Maher:
The irony of religion is that because of its power to divert man to destructive courses, the world could actually come to an end. The plain fact is, religion must die for mankind to live. The hour is getting very late to be able to indulge having in key decisions made by religious people. By irrationalists, by those who would steer the ship of state not by a compass, but by the equivalent of reading the entrails of a chicken. George Bush prayed a lot about Iraq, but he didn't learn a lot about it. Faith means making a virtue out of not thinking. It's nothing to brag about. And those who preach faith, and enable and elevate it are intellectual slaveholders, keeping mankind in a bondage to fantasy and nonsense that has spawned and justified so much lunacy and destruction. Religion is dangerous because it allows human beings who don't have all the answers to think that they do. Most people would think it's wonderful when someone says, "I'm willing, Lord! I'll do whatever you want me to do!" Except that since there are no gods actually talking to us, that void is filled in by people with their own corruptions and limitations and agendas. And anyone who tells you they know, they just know what happens when you die, I promise you, you don't. How can I be so sure? Because I don't know, and you do not possess mental powers that I do not. The only appropriate attitude for man to have about the big questions is not the arrogant certitude that is the hallmark of religion, but doubt. Doubt is humble, and that's what man needs to be, considering that human history is just a litany of getting shit dead wrong. This is why rational people, anti-religionists, must end their timidity and come out of the closet and assert themselves. And those who consider themselves only moderately religious really need to look in the mirror and realize that the solace and comfort that religion brings you comes at a horrible price. If you belonged to a political party or a social club that was tied to as much bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, violence, and sheer ignorance as religion is, you'd resign in protest. To do otherwise is to be an enabler, a mafia wife, for the true devils of extremism that draw their legitimacy from the billions of their fellow travelers. If the world does come to an end here, or wherever, or if it limps into the future, decimated by the effects of religion-inspired nuclear terrorism, let's remember what the real problem was. We learned how to precipitate mass death before we got past the neurological disorder of wishing for it. That's it. Grow up or die.

SATURDAY, MAY 16, 2009

potatoes or something else inane and obscure i dont know
so ive been reading The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller. i like batman, i think he's a swell guy. comics are one of those things like vegetables or modest mouse i experienced at one point and hated and eventually it clicked for me. i still hate water chestnuts. i always liked batman though. i remember watching the animated series as a kid everyday after school. i dont know where this is going it could get pretty deep considering it's 1:29 in the morning. we watch cartoons of superheroes as kids and then they make us read Camus in highschool. scary existentionalism shown to a young Christian girl in a classroom of her peers. thats a jarring experience. mostly for the fact that....i kinda liked it. i kinda could maybe possibly relate to this guy.
we get a little older and realize that the heroes and villians weren't heroes and villians but people you see everyday. on the street. in the mirror. the ideas shown to us that we hated because we couldnt accept that we didnt have something figured out for that moment. that our entire experience with the knowledge we had struggled to gain could be beaten out or wisked away so easily. gone with the wind. because someone else thought of something we hadnt yet. im rambling. i know i have a fucked up complex on this sort of thing but if i didnt i wouldnt know anything i know now. i mean....i might.....no no i wouldnt. no way. a strange fucking thing that the complex of knowledge would be your complex. gay call service comercial on tv. good for them. where was i? oh, yes the complex is the complex is the complex. its not really that complicated. we (and by we i mean i, because i can only know what i know) make it that complicated.
good guys get the bad guys the end. i dont really know if im a good guy. i have this weird icky feeling that...probably not. when it comes down to it. and buy 'it' i guess it would be a dire situation. cuz im just treading water at this point. i go with the flow i suppose. when shit hits the fan....people start dying in large numbers (yes that is coming. we all feel it) i will survive. and i have the capacity to do some things that young Christian girls probably would never imagine being capable of doing. is that it? we can only truly know ourselves at our worst? is that the 'truth'? i dont believe in 'god'. i dont believe in judgment. i am not an atheist. im not anything. i guess on paper, technically i would be a nihalist. a hibernating nihalist haha. or im a liar. either way...im not a good Christian girl anymore. with the knowledge i have gained from all my cartoons and people watching...i have no faith. in mankind. in god. in justice. in the world. i have faith in me. but not too much. i dont give myself that much credit as a person because as a person, i havent done a whole lot of good or bad to really be anything of consequence. because that is all that there is is situation and consequence. and deep deep deep down, that is what i believe in. the only thing i have faith in. the science of cause and effect.
so.....we create the rules. the lines. we dont wanna cross. others will be punished for crossing. why? for whatever reasons we make up. and then we teach our kids which lines are kindof ok to cross in certain 'situations' and which mistakes are unacceptable. at some point, the levys gonna break. the wall of denial will come tumbling down.
++++spoiler alert++++
even batman breaks his only rule.


Hannah Montana
written by charlie coughman vicariously through lindsey haynes
The Hannah Montana Movie

Satan-Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana-Miley Cyrus
God-Tyra Banks
Miley's friends, fans and family-Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus plays Hannah Montana playing Satan and all the other characters in the film.
Satan is gathering an army for the uprising. He meets God (Tyra) along the way to discuss philosophy and the truth of each religion in the minds of men. Hannah walks through each scene faintly aware that her closest friends and family members are Miley Cyrus, therefore causing Miley (in the movie) to become very wigged out and ask all kinds of paranoid questions. Hannah does not care much because she does not know that she is Satan or Miley Cyrus. The movie ends with Miley (as Hannah and Satan) looking into a mirror in her dressing room talking to/through each character at the other. It ends when she stands, pulls out her abnormally large penis, does a karate kick and walks out.
~more details to come..

from her twitter page:

mmmm birthday cake
12:00 PM Jul 20th, 2009 from web
got sucked into watching America's got Talent. oh boy
9:20 PM Jul 8th, 2009 from web
listening to some great new music lately. i really enjoy animal collective at this point, despite my best efforts not to..
2:17 PM Jul 8th, 2009 from web
had a blast at the gorge. need to do that again soon
12:23 PM Jul 6th, 2009 from web
i cannot put into words the incredible experience i had this weekend. i will share details when my head stops spinning.
5:07 PM Jun 15th, 2009 from web
can barely contain my excitement for next weekend. it hasn't fully hit me yet. wilco, the boss, NIN in one night?? yes please
5:03 PM Jun 4th, 2009 from web
tried to lay out for a while.. waaay too muggy. i need to convince the parental units to buy a pool...
2:26 PM Jun 2nd, 2009 from web
listened to The Runaway by The National. check it out if you feel like crying
1:47 PM May 26th, 2009 from web
can't sleep. watching Look Around You on [adult swim]. you Brits are so weird
12:56 AM May 20th, 2009 from web
drank some peppermint tea to help the sinuses. it was delicious. it did not help. i can still hear my heartbeat in my forehead.
7:05 PM May 14th, 2009 from web
found him. nevermind
6:59 PM May 14th, 2009 from web
Steve Buscemi is no longer twittering.....i demand to know why!
6:55 PM May 14th, 2009 from web
i dont have the energy to explain whats going on in my head today. take my word its fascinating and completely unique
5:34 PM May 10th, 2009 from web
@aesopcrucible i dont mean to seem like i care about material things (like my social stats). we could see them matt...we could see them
5:36 PM May 3rd, 2009 from web in reply to aesopcrucible
reading The Essential Rumi. makes my soul feel good
1:04 PM May 3rd, 2009 from web
met a toad this morning. he enjoys hemingway, a nice massage and long walks on the beach
8:47 AM May 1st, 2009 from web
i hate stupid commercials. i hate sexism. so...i hate most commercials. gimme a camera, i'll sell somethin. without the sex
7:21 PM Apr 30th, 2009 from web
free love on the free love freeway the love is free and the road is long..
7:18 PM Apr 30th, 2009 from web
@overtherhine no it's next to wheel in the vines in the driveway. its at eye level so you can watch them :)
10:05 PM Apr 29th, 2009 from web in reply to overtherhine
@aesopcrucible you watch your tongue sir. faraday was a man of great intelligence and dignity. show him some respect
9:45 PM Apr 29th, 2009 from web in reply to aesopcrucible
ok mr. president...yes you have smart things to say but it's time for LOST now....
7:57 PM Apr 29th, 2009 from web
@Steve_Buscemi just saw you on The Simpsons. you have a great voice Mr. Buscemi
7:01 PM Apr 29th, 2009 from web in reply to Bye_Buscemi
@aesopcrucible you got me all scared of it now...
6:01 PM Apr 29th, 2009 from web in reply to aesopcrucible
i found a cardinal nest. with babies in it! ^.^
12:54 PM Apr 29th, 2009 from web
@overtherhine You guys sound wonderful. I never get to tell you what a fan I am. Trumpet Child gave me chills.
9:41 AM Apr 29th, 2009 from web in reply to overtherhine
Alias is a show about a spy.....
7:45 PM Apr 28th, 2009 from web
what are you doing twitter? huh? quit hounding me jeez
8:42 AM Apr 28th, 2009 from web
@aesopcrucible that's a bit of an overreaction
8:40 AM Apr 28th, 2009 from web in reply to aesopcrucible
clearing out the cobwebs....figuratively of course
3:43 PM Apr 27th, 2009 from web
@aesopcrucible jon hamm is mysteriously handsome....emile hirsch is soul crushingly cute....jeez =)
3:42 PM Apr 27th, 2009 from web in reply to aesopcrucible
i think i need more than 140 characters...i always feel the need to explain myself
1:00 PM Apr 22nd, 2009 from web
let me rephrase that...I'm old enough to think about what it was like to be young...
12:59 PM Apr 22nd, 2009 from web
My cousin had a baby; Addison. I think I'm starting to get to an age where it's appropriate to be nostalgic....or at least acceptable.
12:58 PM Apr 22nd, 2009 from web
i don't mind the rain. it's good thinking weather
2:40 PM Apr 20th, 2009 from web
i taught my cat how to fetch yesterday =D it's so cute!
3:29 PM Apr 17th, 2009 from web
Seedy Seeds; I love you, but get out of my head! Le Petit Patton Le Petit Patton You are my little kitten You're my little song
12:28 PM Apr 16th, 2009 from web
thinking of dying my hair...blue i'm so edgy ^.^
2:40 PM Apr 14th, 2009 from web
watched The Dark Knight for the fourth time last night....it gets better every time
12:35 PM Apr 13th, 2009 from web
I want to be a beekeeper. I want to keep bees...and I don't want 'em to get away.. ~Mr. Izzard
7:06 PM Apr 12th, 2009 from web
Michael Moore documentaries should be required viewing for high school students
12:05 PM Apr 12th, 2009 from web
Dogs are the best kind of people. Thinking of buying a ticket to Bonnaroo...
3:55 PM Apr 8th, 2009 from web
@mourghan seriously...
3:53 PM Apr 8th, 2009 from web in reply to mourghan
Been following Charlie Kaufman and Spike Jonze this past week. My brain hurts 8/ Didn't know these men existed...I'm glad they do.
4:57 PM Apr 7th, 2009 from web

Forgot I had a twitter.
4:54 PM Apr 7th, 2009 from web

from her myspace blog:

the jonas brothers: a national treasure
i saw a picture of these little dweebs and felt compelled to do some research.
i looked up some info on wiki-ality and learned that they have been nominated for 43 awards, winning 21 including best international artist on Los Premios MTV Latinoamérica. they have 4 albums and apparently all of this fame and fortune came about because the father of the boys wrote a Christmas song that the littlest Jonas, Nick, sang on broadway during an AIDS benefit concert. how frickin adorable.
apparently, the middle Jonas, Joseph (or Joe to his adoring fans) never had plans of becoming a singer...but the executive at Columbia Records decided to sign the boys as a group....little Joey thought, 'what the hey, i'll give this singin stuff a shot.' and off they were on their magic carpet of dreams and starlight. catapulted into history and the hearts of millions of hormone driven tween girls, selling over eight million albums worldwide.
memo to me: write letter to whoever created this horrible horrible term; tween

what does this little Cinderella story say about the American music and entertainment business? well it says the same thing that American Idol and America's got Talent are saying....

which is why we need to stop supporting this decline of substance in our art and culture.
which is why i am writing this blog. someone who reads this may feel compelled to turn off the tv when these shows come on or change the station to NPR instead of indulging in this junk food that not only projects to the world how lazy and conformed and image-obsessed we have become, but slows down the production and expression of real artists with real talent who start from the ground up and work their asses off to do what they love.

that is all

oh i forgot Miley! throw her in there somewhere.

2:56 PM 0 Comments(Add Comment) |0 KudosTranslate
Tuesday, December 09, 2008

more good lyrics
Category: Music
Saint Simon Lyrics:

After all these implements and text designed by intellects
so vexed to find evidently there's just so much that hides
And though the saints of us divine in ancient Feeding lines
their sentiment is just as hard to pluck from the vine

I'm trying hard not to pretend
allow myself no mock defense
As I step into the night

Since I don't have the time nor mind to figure out
The nursery rhymes that helped us out in making sense of our lives
The cruel uneventful state of apathy releases me
I value them but I won't cry every time one's wiped out

I'm trying hard not to give in
Battened down to fair the wind
rid my head of this pretense
allow myself no mock defense
As I step into the night

Mercy's eyes are blue
when she places them in front of you
nothing holds a roman candle to
the solemn warmth you feel inside

there's no measuring of
nothing else is love

I'll try hard not to give in
Battened down to fare the wind
Rid my head of this pretense
Allow myself no mock defense
As I step into the night

Mercy's eyes are blue
When she places them in front of you
nothing really holds a candle to
the solemn warmth you feel inside of you

11:07 AM 0 Comments(Add Comment) |0 KudosTranslate
Monday, December 08, 2008

good lyrics
Category: Music
Lyrics to Secret Meeting :
I think this place is full of spies
I think they're onto me
Didn't anybody, didn't anybody tell you
Didn't anybody tell you how to gracefully disappear in a room
I know you put in the hours to keep me in sunglasses, I know

And so and now I'm sorry I missed you
I had a secret meeting in the basement of my brain
It went the dull and wicked ordinary way
It went the dull and wicked ordinary way
And now I'm sorry I missed you
I had a secret meeting in the basement of my brain

I think this place is full of spies
I think I'm ruined
Didn't anybody, didn't anybody tell you
Didn't anybody tell you, this river's full of lost sharks
I know you put in the hours to keep me in sunglasses, I know

And so and now I'm sorry I missed you
I had a secret meeting in the basement of my brain
It went the dull and wicked ordinary way
It went the dull and wicked ordinary way

And now I'm sorry I missed you
I had a secret meeting in the basement of my brain
And now I'm sorry I missed you
I had a secret meeting in the basement of my brain
It went the dull and wicked ordinary way
11:17 PM 0 Comments(Add Comment) |0 KudosTranslate
Monday, November 24, 2008

john mayer
say what you need to say.

say what you need to say. say what you need to say. say what you need to say.

say what you need to say.

say what you need to say. say what you need to say. say what you need to say. say what you need to say. say what you need to say. say what you need to say.

say what you need to say john mayer.

7:34 PM 1 Comments(Add Comment) |2 KudosTranslate
Sunday, September 14, 2008

i am robot
they have a list of emotions on your home screen to choose from. templates for your emotions.

that is all

7:23 PM 0 Comments(Add Comment) |0 KudosTranslate
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Hung over at Home
last night i had more fun in a group of people than i have in a long time.
so thanks Chris and Mitch for letting us party at your place
5:01 AM 1 Comments(Add Comment) |0 KudosTranslate
Sunday, June 08, 2008

I can't go.....
so...Thursday, Friday and Monday I'm free....
whats goin on?

p.s. new email: linz.haynes@gmail.com
hit me up homies
6:23 PM 2 Comments(Add Comment) |1 KudosTranslate
Saturday, January 26, 2008

Myspace is where good ideas go to die.
10:15 PM 1 Comments(Add Comment) |0 KudosTranslate

from her first blogspot page:

no this blog is not about 'He who died for your sins'
its a blaspheming swear word
who reads this shit anyway?
why would you want to read about someone elses bullshit day?
all im gonna do is bitch
starting now
actually you know what? no im not gonna.
im leaving this shit hole. i lie its not really a shit hole, its a horrible collaboration of people. and they all have why-me syndrome. i suppose it seems hypocritical of me to say so. but thats the reason i have to leave.
fuck it
Posted by honey bunny at 5:41 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 22, 2007
im ready for the apocalypse...and everyone wants to hold my hand while i cross the street
the shins are right. caring is creepy
and im never smoking again
my horoscope today:
Your current dilemma is a familiar one. You may struggle with deciding what to express to someone close to you. You are inclined to quietly hold your feelings and just go along with the external flow of events. But there may be something gnawing at you: you want to bring your needs out into the open, but may fear rejection or even ridicule. Ride your emotions wherever they may take you, but don't worry now about disclosing anything that doesn't come easily.

are these things so accurate because they state matter-of-factly? or is there something cosmic at work here?
i suppose its all relative, but i consider all feeling that gets so big it has to bleed its way out, a large percent of bullshit and unjustified, why-me syndrome.
too deep
oh well
im tryin goddamnit
Posted by honey bunny at 11:28 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 21, 2007
I was thinking about pop culture in general the other day. Does nobody realize that everyone...well, not everyone. there are a few deserving individuals.....but for the most part, most that we have risen to such god-like stature in our society is either a raving moron or a raving drug addict or a raving homosexual...not that i have anything against homosexuality but the fact that someone is praised and (well lets face it) almost idolized because of their sexual orientation is beyond remedial and sick on levels we americans have so graciously decended to.

Oh lord i shouldn't even get started on this whole 'emo' phase. There is no excuse for this to be such a widely excepted state of mind. And all the soccer moms go, "oh they're just expressing themselves.".......bullshit. 'EMO' started out as 'emotional rock' a musical genre. What the hell has it become? Black on black on black on pasty white skin, loving my girlfriend so much i wanna rip her heart out and eat it before i cut myself to death. And...nobody is worried? Nobody is concerned that almost an entire generation is influenced by this point of view? You wanna know why this is such an influencial cry for help? because it's conformity through non-conformity. Of course it's just a phase, and these kids will get tired of the fad soon, but not without help. And not the kind of 'i understand your problems and you have every right to be upset -yada -yada' help. NO, they need someone to explain that when Forest Gump said life was like a box of chocolates, he did not mean it was sweet and cream filled. He, meant your gonna bite into raspberry and get dog shit. Every time. Until you get to that beautiful raspberry or [insert favorite] at the bottom. And it's gonna be so much sweeter. Because you would not know how good it was without all of the bad. That's my analogy anyway. My point is kids are being taught to keep as much good around them as possible, (by good i mean positive influences on intellect, moral value, and general decency), and keep out the bad, which, is not a bad thing. Wouldn't it be better though, to teach them to live with the bad? Especially in the world we're living in. Instead of feeling sorry for themselves, to really stand up and say something about something. Then appreciate those small bits of good that fall into our lives. To train them to look for those Real moments when life is worth living, and appreciate them for what they really are? I can tell you we wouldn't have these self-inflicted, emotionally unstable, depressing edward-scissor-hands walking around.

Wow where was my point?
Oh yeah, pop culture...it's slowly draining every ounce of decency and reality from everyday life. Reality is TV now...how desperate can we get for entertainment? Idiocracy...watch it. Ok movie, terrifying subject matter. Just watch, you'll see what i mean.

I'm sure this will be an ongoing topic of discussion with me. There's just too much to pick apart.
So until next time..
Posted by honey bunny at 5:01 AM 2 comments
Friday, May 11, 2007
Whilst i was perusing through blogs, i stumbled upon a forum titled, Overcoming Bias. The forum itself intrigued me but i was especially interested in a post called, Feeling 'Rational'. The post basically expressed the connection of feeling to rational or irrational thought and which influenced which. (these topics were discussed by highly educated individuals, so of course their language was pretty, intricate, and every word dripped with decidedness.) They also mentioned suppression and what we find to be 'acceptable' public display of emotion. (pointing out the acceptance of emotional female expression in society and the discouragement of male.)
I find it fascinating how simply a mood can be influenced by the smallest actions. The writing style of these pricks, for example, makes me feel angry.
Now i wont lose all couthe and flat out insult a group of people like a child, but i will point out the fact that these guys, however intelligent, or understanding and accepting they may be, are still pretentious.
Of course rational thought influences emotion. Of course, an individual who has suffered emotional trauma would shut off conscious feeling, and rule with logic and reasoning (however skewed their reasoning may be is not the issue). The point is, its all thought to control emotion.
My issue is not with the fact that these intellects are discussing the topic, (when i say intellects....im sure a majority of them are doctors, lawyers, professors etc.) but that they treat it with the callousness of a diagnosis, like... a cold or broken finger.
Maybe im a little bitter, but when i wake up in the morning, i have to make a conscious effort to allow myself to feel anger, bitterness, and contempt. Its not a dramatic ploy, its not for attention. It is a staple in my psyche and it pisses me off to hear a group of learned men discuss it with the same detachment that they find crudely fascinating while using harvard mouths to suck each others figurative cocks and patting themselves on the back for being such a godsend to society in discussing the destruction of bias.
Its all relative and its all bullshit.
That is all
Posted by honey bunny at 7:03 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Pardon My Lack of Couth...
There's no sweet way to say I'm an asshole. I'm well aware that many will be put off by my extreme nihilism. My only reason for starting a blog is that i will search for stimulation in any form and i get off on deep contemplation. I figure writing to be a form of meditation and a fantastic expression. I'm all for expression, as long as it's well thought.
As an opinionated individual, i also have a conflicting trait which causes me to empathize with any point of view. Not to say there is no better or worse, but better or worse are also relative. I view constantly through every perspective possible, so that i may get a 3dimensional view of every situation. This blog will be mostly unbiased observations of the world around me. A journal, more for myself than anyone.
However, please feel free to comment at any time if you have anything valid to say.

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