Wednesday, January 13, 2010

a little bit of this and that, nothing substantial

i am now hard at work at part two. while part one was very difficult, this one is turning out to be more compact, better written, and the plot is actually turning out to be exciting rather then a difficult tedious puzzle.

anyway, since i enjoyed writing about music my last post, i am just going to start randomly posting videos on here of new bands i find or favorites.

i just found out about this band today. they are called real estate and they are a very easy, breezy, mellowed out band with pretty shiny guitars and lo-fi vocals. good job real estate!

holy fucking shit, how did husker du exist and i not know about them? my indie cred shriveled to nothing. this song has great lyrics and it is a great punk song. i can see how people say indie rock was kind of born around the time of husker du. i mean, they influenced the pixies and rem. anyway i dont know anything aboout fucking anything but i love this song.

as anyone who has been in a car with me or just been anywhere close to me knows i am on a major sleater kinney kick. i always loved them dearly, but after i wrote that piece about corin tucker, where i listened to like 4 hours worth of their music, i am all bjork-fan-who-killed-himselfing out about it. which means i am in love with them. this song sounds amazing live, and shit, that drummer can play those sticks.

and this is just one of my favorites. too much can be said about the national. so just click it. good job national!

just found out about these guy as well. i guess they have been around for 500 years and everyone covers their songs and it turns out that they are pretty good. here ya go. yo la tengo.

i am staring to see that a little bit of a shoegazer trend going on in my tastes. well i better post this just to be safe, so i dont look like a sissy man girlie ass little girl, here is some real bad ass shit:

enjoy with your friends!

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